Women's Health (UK) Abo

Ausgabe 006/2024
Aktuelle Ausgabe

The grit & growth of Mollie King
From grappling with grief to taking on a gruelling endurance challenge, the broadcaster Mollie King has had an arduous 18 months. But she’s building back towards a different version of herself. Here, the 36-year-old shares what we can all learn from her Gen Z listeners, what loss has taught her about love and why, respectfully, she wouldn’t go anywhere near social media for advice on raising her daughter…

For good or ill, the infamous pharmaceutical has defined an era since it first made headlines in Hollywood three years ago. But as alarming tales pile up and medics question its use as a long-term weight-loss tool, we ask: is there any turning back?

Ausgabe 005/2024

How the ketamine wellness bubble burst
Positioned by advocates as a paradigm-shifting mental health intervention, the dissociative drug has proved popular among those with the means to pay for private treatments, in clinics styled as high-end spas. But as one of the movement’s key players has their medical licence suspended, the drug’s ascent is now in doubt. WH takes a closer look at the tranquilliser turned therapeutic tool

As she approached a milestone birthday, the broadcaster reflects on social mobility, letting love in and why - for this next chapter - hers is an evolving, expansive vision of success

Ausgabe 004/2024

From urine tests for endometriosis to tampons that diagnose HPV and robotics transforming breast cancer screening, there’s never been more momentum behind helping us understand our symptoms. Here, one writer, for whom the story is acutely resonant, takes a closer look and asks: should we dare to hope?

Why I’m ghosting Botox
For years, WH beauty editor Perdita Nouril’s had a repeat appointment with her injector. That was until she read claims that the muscle-freezing formula can limit your ability to connect with others. Are the findings compelling enough for her to quit the treatment for good?

Ausgabe 003/2024

Ausgabe 001/2024

Ausgabe 011/2023

Ausgabe 010/2023

Ausgabe 009/2023

Ausgabe 008/2023


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Gesundheit und Fitness für Frauen

Das führende Magazin Women's Health (GB) bringt jeden Monat das Neueste aus dem Bereich Gesundheit, Fitness, Mode und Ernährung zusammen. Für jede Frau finden sich Expertentipps und viele Ideen und Inspiration Ideen für ein gesünderes Leben.

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Women's Health (UK) Abo

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Aktuelle Ausgabe

The grit & growth of Mollie King
From grappling with grief to taking on a gruelling endurance challenge, the broadcaster Mollie King has had an arduous 18 months. But she’s building back towards a different version of herself. Here, the 36-year-old shares what we can all learn from her Gen Z listeners, what loss has taught her about love and why, respectfully, she wouldn’t go anywhere near social media for advice on raising her daughter…

For good or ill, the infamous pharmaceutical has defined an era since it first made headlines in Hollywood three years ago. But as alarming tales pile up and medics question its use as a long-term weight-loss tool, we ask: is there any turning back?


How the ketamine wellness bubble burst
Positioned by advocates as a paradigm-shifting mental health intervention, the dissociative drug has proved popular among those with the means to pay for private treatments, in clinics styled as high-end spas. But as one of the movement’s key players has their medical licence suspended, the drug’s ascent is now in doubt. WH takes a closer look at the tranquilliser turned therapeutic tool

As she approached a milestone birthday, the broadcaster reflects on social mobility, letting love in and why - for this next chapter - hers is an evolving, expansive vision of success


From urine tests for endometriosis to tampons that diagnose HPV and robotics transforming breast cancer screening, there’s never been more momentum behind helping us understand our symptoms. Here, one writer, for whom the story is acutely resonant, takes a closer look and asks: should we dare to hope?

Why I’m ghosting Botox
For years, WH beauty editor Perdita Nouril’s had a repeat appointment with her injector. That was until she read claims that the muscle-freezing formula can limit your ability to connect with others. Are the findings compelling enough for her to quit the treatment for good?








Porträt von Women's Health (UK)

Gesundheit und Fitness für Frauen

Das führende Magazin Women's Health (GB) bringt jeden Monat das Neueste aus dem Bereich Gesundheit, Fitness, Mode und Ernährung zusammen. Für jede Frau finden sich Expertentipps und viele Ideen und Inspiration Ideen für ein gesünderes Leben.

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Sie finden für Women's Health (GB) das Jahresabo ohne Mindestbezugszeitraum und ein automatisch endendes Jahres-Geschenkabo, um dessen Kündigung Sie sich also nicht mehr kümmern müssen.
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In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Women's Health (UK)

  • Say cheese
    A study by Curtin University found that taking pictures of your meals offers a more accurate idea of your intake over the previous 24 hours than jotting down what you eat from memory. If losing weight to reach a healthy range is your goal, don’t get too hung up on it, though – research in Obesity found that tracking food all the time isn’t necessary to see results.
  • What’s the deal with sugar substitutes?
    Sweeteners have been increasingly sprinkled into our shopping baskets over the past half century. But as a new study questions their health creds, we ask: are we sugar-coating an unhealthy reality?
  • The kettlebell halo
    This move is a triple threat: it strengthens and stabilises your shoulders and improves their mobility while firing up the core at the same time
  • Glucose monitoring for cognitive longevity
    Blood sugar-tracking devices are injecting excitement into personalised nutrition – but could they be protective for someone with a family history of dementia and diabetes?
  • …I make an age gap friend?
    It’s normal to pick up pals who’ve blown out as many candles as you. But it turns out having mates in different decades has life-enriching benefits…
  • Fit Squad
    Want to run further, lift heavier or nail a pull-up? Each month, we put your questions to the Women’s Health Collective panel – eight of the finest fitness brains – to help you make good on your goals
  • Meet the squad
    The team share their go-to move for improving balance
  • Strong. Smart. Cool as f**k. …and Jo Whiley is just getting started
    From DJing live for crowds of thousands to leg pressing 120kg, the life Jo Whiley lives at 59 is worlds away from anything she could have imagined in her twenties. As she fronts our Fit At Any Age issue, the broadcaster shares how strength training saved her from the maelstrom of menopause, the lessons she learned from losing friends and why there’s healing to be found on the dance floor – whatever your age
  • High-protein breakfasts
    Get a head start on your macros in the morning with these recipes, packing in at least 20g of protein per serving
  • Are you heading for an anxious millenopause?
    As click-seeking content paints the perimenopause as a non-stop horror show, one writer asks how this notoriously nervy generation can navigate midlife with their emotional wellbeing in mind
    With no more periods to bleed you dry, the postmenopausal years could be the best third of your life
  • Could tech have prevented my corporate burnout?
    As a new raft of digital solutions for employee welfare enters the Slack chat, one writer – for whom burnout led to depression and suicidal thoughts – asks if they could have prevented her suffering
  • ‘I’m part of a lost generation of neurodivergent women who have suffered in silence’
    Early research into ADHD focused on male brains, meaning many midlife women are being diagnosed later in life. One such woman reveals the way she reclaimed her shattered confidence
  • Midlife ADHD and mental health: the expert view
    Dr Selina Warlow is a clinical psychologist and founder of The Nook Neurodevelopmental Clinic (thenookclinic.co.uk)
  • ‘I started functional training at 68, now I’m a two-time Hyrox world champion’
    Celia Duff, 70, is the second British person over 70 to finish Hyrox – ever. Now, she outperforms many competitors half her age
  • The other microbiome
    The vaginal microbiome holds valuable insights into your health – here’s your guide to ensuring it remains in balance (and not a douche in sight)
  • The locker room
    There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong athleisure. Oh fine, we’ve paraphrased. But the latest drops have been designed with the great outdoors in mind. Style, meet substance
  • How young is too young?
    It’s a question Perdita Nouril – Women’s Health beauty editor and mother of two daughters – has been asking herself. But is the rise of teenage skincare really powering a harmful ‘anti-ageing’ narrative? Or is this new obsession a helpful route to skin health? Here, she puts the trend under the microscope
  • Teenage cream
    ‘It’s crucial to keep their routine simple and ageappropriate,’ says consultant dermatologist Anjali Mahto. Here’s what she suggests for teenage skin
  • Scent and sensuality
    As experts declare that the right fragrance can be key to unlocking greater pleasure, we ask: can you really spritz your way to better sex?
  • Aroma therapy
    WH sniff-tested dozens of fragrances with aphrodisiac qualities. These five sent our hearts aflutter
  • Dr Alexis Granite
    The consultant dermatologist is famed for her regenerative aesthetic treatments and is a go-to for skin allergies and hormonal concerns. These are the products she enlists day in, day out for her own complexion – and to look and feel her absolute best
  • In the age of longevity washing
    Thriving in peak health for time immemorial is an irresistible sell, with an industry growing around elongating your prime. But as Brand Longevity infiltrates supplements, clinics and bestseller lists, are you really buying new ways to maintain your best self? Or is the ‘living longer’ promise the oldest marketing trick in the book?
  • Is the inheritocracy harming your health?
    The generation who came of age amid financial turmoil are poised to become the richest yet, thanks to historic levels of generational wealth – some of them, anyway. As experts warn of a seismic divide, WH goes inside the bank statements of the millennials who’ll inherit and those who won’t
  • Financial literacy
    The inheritance edition
  • Are more younger women being diagnosed with breast cancer?
    There’s evidence of soaring cases among women in their twenties and thirties, many of whom feel neglected by the healthcare system due to their age. WH investigates a growing problem…
  • The child prodigies going the distance
    Gifted young runners around the world are going viral for rewriting the age-group record books. But with fierce pressure, as well as expectation from the eagerly watching world, it remains to be seen if these bright young things can truly finish strong…
  • Going the distance
    Four athletes who went all the way from playground to podium
  • Flying solo
    Tired of having to compromise on what you do with your hard-earned annual leave? Put your WhatsApp groups on mute and jet off on a break that ticks all the right boxes for you…
  • Miquita Oliver
    The TV presenter turned podcaster on nurturing life-long friendship, finding her entrepreneurial feet at 40 and making room for magic